
Adding Hover Dialogs to additional fields in Maximo 7.6


How can I add Hover Dialogs to additional fields in Maximo 7.6?


Hover Dialogs are a new feature in Maximo 7.6 that display additional information
related to a field when you hover your mouse over the field. For example in the image
below, if you hover over the Reported By field in Work Order Tracking, it will display
additional details on the value in the field. The hover option is only available if there is
an existing value in the field.

These hover dialogs are set up by default on a number of fields in various applications
and based on the following attributes:
- Asset
- Item
- Person
- Work Order

In order to add an additional hover dialog go to System Configuration / Platform Configuration / Application Designer and pull up the application your field is in (in this example that is the
Supervisor field in the Labor application). Next right click on the field, select "Properties", and then click on the Advanced tab. Add PERSON_RECORDHOVER in the Hover Window ID textbox to
add more person details and then save your changes.

Now when you Go To the Labor application and if your Supervisor field has a value in it, then
hovering over the field will show additional details about the supervisor.

Please note that the hover dialogue only works when there is a field validation class, or a table domain connected to the attribute. If you add hover functionality to an attribute which doesn't have a field validation class, such as the ASSET.CHANGEBY, or SR.ENTEREDBY, then the hover dialog will display but it is blank, it does not show any data.


Installation of Maximo Content Pack from Local Directory

Even if you cannot access the internet, you can still install Smartcloud Control Desk content packs using using Content Installer.  However, you must first download the content pack remotely and then copy it to your SCCD server.
To install content packs from behind a firewall, complete the following steps.
  1. Create an XML file called ContentSource.xml in the C:\temp directory on your Smartcloud Control Desk server system that contains the following text:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <catalog infourl="" lastModified="" owner=""
      xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="ContentCatalog.xsd">
        <version>Enter the version number of the Content Installer pack, for example 7.5.1</version>
        <name>Enter the name of package</name>
        <description>Enter a description of the package here</description>
        <category>Describe the category of the content</category>
  2. Edit the name and description and the category according to the content that you are installing. Change the file name in the URL to the name of the content pack zip file.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Copy the content pack zip file to the C:\temp directory on the server.
  5. Go to the ISM Content Installer application: System Configuration>IBM Content Installer.
  6. Click the New icon.
  7. Enter the location of the ContentSource.xml that you created in step 1 and a description. The file name in our example is:  file:////c:\temp\ContentSource.xml
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click the newly created content source.
  10. Click the download link to install the content.