
Maximo Asset Management and SmartCloud Control Desk Migration Series


This series is intended to assist our customers in planning their upgrade to the latest versions of Maximo Asset Management and SmartCloud Control Desk. The bulk of this series will be devoted to the Maximo product suite, add-on's and industry solutions.

In each session, a member of the business architecture team will deliver a presentation chronicling the incremental enhancements made in the product as well as point out functional changes to existing features. Ample time will be allowed for customer questions. Attendees will come away with a better understanding of what to expect, functionally, after the upgrade. This information should prove valuable for customers in determining customizations and configurations that could be modified or removed upon implementation of the latest version. Who should attend these sessions? Any current Maximo customer who is on version 6.x or 7.1.x and is planning to upgrade to version 7.5 or any customer who plans to upgrade to or implement the latest version of SmartCloud Control Desk. Review the session schedule to determine who from your organization is the best fit for each topic.

This session is also open to any IBM business partner or IBM employee who would gain useful information in helping your clients upgrade to the latest versions of Maximo or SmartCloud Control Desk. Please note that these sessions are primarily intended for customers. If time allows, business partners and IBM employees can pose questions after all customer questions have been addressed.


Session topics, with the recording playback Amazon Cloud Download links are listed below.