How do you
restrict the records a user can access in the SR application by site.
following step by step example provides instructions on how to set up a
condition on the SR object based on a site.
1. Login
into Maximo as MAXADMIN
2. Go to Administration -> Conditional Expression Manager --> create a
new expression = SITEID = 'BEDFORD'
3. Go to Security Group----> BEDFORDSITE
4. Click on Sites tab and make sure that BEDFORD site is listed there
5. Click on Data Restrictions tab
6. Click on NEW ROW from Object Restrictions tab
Application = SR
CONDITION = The expression that we created on step 2
7. SAVE the changes made
8. Click on user tab and make sure that the user you want to restrict belongs
to the BEDFORDSITE group, if not associate him to the group by adding a NEW
9. Click on Application tab and filter it down to SERVICE REQUEST
10. Give grant access to all options including sig-options
11. Save the changes you made .
12. Go to the SR app and press ENTER which brings up all records, you will see
there are 126 records against all sites when logged in as MAXADMIN user.
13. Now sign out and sign back into Maximo as your restricted user from the
steps above.
14. Go to the SR app and press ENTER, Maximo will only show 50 SR's records. Only
records for the 'BEDFORD' site will display.